Friday, January 16, 2009

On This Day

From Ice Storm
On this day, two years ago, we where shacking up at the sister-in-law's house during "Ice Storm 2007". Here is a pic from that day when the sun broke through the clouds. It's almost pretty.

From Ice Storm
The reality was something more like this pic. Over half the city and surrounding area was without power. We were only out of power for 5 days. Click the images to see my Ice Storm photo album taken during Jan 14, 15, &16, 2007.

Right now the high is 11 degrees with light flurries. Which for Missouri is both odd and normal. (Missouri is the toilet bowel of over night weather changes). Thank God for heat!


Now playing: Farscape season 1
mood: all you can eat pancakes @ IHOP


cindy said...

the snow is very pretty when you don't have to actually LIVE with it! lol! wow, five days is a long time!

Anonymous said...

And this, dear friend, is why I live in Orlando now!! It is rainy and icky here today, but 70, so not so bad.

Stay warm!