Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blast from the Past

Aicha, Asieh, and Naima @ Dickerson Park Zoo (3-4yrs ago?)

Nothing too terribly awesome to report. I am in an Artist's Way Creative Cluster with some lady friends. We started this week. We will be at it for 12 wks. I am curious and optimistic to see what comes about at the end of August.


now listening: j-pop
mood: hashbrowns with salt and ketchup...ok fine, I mean french fries.


Najla said...

Naima, that is just too crazy...I just bought the Artists Way as well! Two weeks ago at a show, two dancers I love and really admire recommended the book and the 12 week program to me. So, I ordered it immediately, but I'm still trying to pick the date to start. So, I'll be very curious to see what you have say about the experience.

Frankengirl said...

Your costume is too pretty. You look awesome in it.

Unknown said...

Najla - Yea, I've heard about the book before, but I never really pursued it. I think being in a cluster is really going to help push everything ahead. I mean 12wks can be kind of intimidating.

The Pale Lady - Thanks! It's one of my favorites. It "spoke" to me from the sidelines at a workshop and I just had to bring it home with me.

Lisa said...

Hello!!! I hope you enjoy your journey through the Artist's Way. I was in a cluster a couple of years ago when BL recommended the book, and it got me writing again. I still adhere to the Morning Pages! Now, I am reading Julia Cameron's "Walking in this World". I'll let you know if it measures up!