I made Sa'dia a pair of crochet 3"zill muffs. They seem huge in my hands and turned out way cuter than my pair of muffs did. They look like flowers.
Sa'dia has also started blogging here. You should check it out and encourage her to post more.
I'm still getting used to my labret piercing. In the morning when I look in the mirror, I briefly wonder at what point in the night I rolled over into a tool box and got stuff stuck to my face. Then I remember I paid good money for it and proceed to the kitchen for coffee.
Now playing: Farscape season 2
mood: Bart Simpson (it is a spicy chicken noodle dish...don't ask)
I'm so EXCITED about my muffs! And yes, they are huge. It's really rediculous. You remember how horrible I was playing with regular sized ones... now I feel like I'm playing with pot lids on my fingers :)
Thanks for the shout out for my new blog! I'm ever greatful.
What would you use zill muffs for?
I'm confused.
Practicing with zills can be REALLY LOUD! Muffs fit over the cymbals to muff the sound while practicing.
Family and pets are especially thankful for muffs.
OMG, thats great! I have a bird who goes nuts when I practice. Thats actually pretty clever!
...how did I miss you getting a labret piercing? I see it now that I'm looking for it. :) Yay! I think I'm getting my nose pierced soon to go with my lip metal business.
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