Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I was lucky enough to see Beth, Angela, Jemina, KC, and Lisa a little over a week ago. They came into GX to have some drinks after the Christmas Hafla at Alive and Well. We talked about blogging, current BD interests, and old school dancers and their stories. Jemina tried talking me into going to Ya Halla Yall 2009. And if I had had more cocktails in me I probably would have agreed right there. It was so nice to hang out. I have really been out of the local BD loop for so long.

As for this last week of 2008, there will be Christmas with the in-laws followed by 2 shows before we have to break everything down and close shop at GX. I also plan to get some long awaited new jewelry with my gift monies ASAFP. With GX being closed I plan on having more time, (not money) but definitely more time for BD again. But you know how that goes. How long ago did I promise part 2 of that costume blog?

Wishing everyone a safe holiday

Now listening: Imogen Heap
mood: Bärenjäger

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