Friday, March 18, 2011

Threes and Sevens

Group shot from the Community Class I taught March 3, 2011, hosted by Springfield Bellydance Academy. That's me all worn out in the bottom right sitting in the narrowest room ever! The mirrors are directly to my left side. The next class up is Theater Technique for dancers followed by Bhangra. I'm excited to be learning instead of being in the front of the class!


Quote of the day in response to what Bellydance smells like, "Awesome moves and the promise of kick ass." -Ashley

1 comment: said...

Welcome to the awkward side, although after the mario dance, i can't picyure you awkward. congrads.It is so much fun to learn more bellydance. It is cool that you take pics with your class. That is very important for our confidence. Too bad it is not always this way, you would be fun to learn from,gypsy