Thursday, April 15, 2010

Naima's Bellydance Blog on Facebook

Naima's Bellydance Blog

Promote Your Page Too

So, I've had a FB page for a while but refused to be friends with, well, most of my friends because I wanted more personal privacy than FB could give. I broke down and made a separate fan page for all of my bellydance friends, family, and otherwise. This should make it easier for the folks who prefer this contact method. Although, I really do enjoy telling people I won't be their friend.

Go forth and add me!


RetroKali said...

Love the new Blog design! Looks great!

Jen Vogel ('Azraa) said...

I did the same thing, I like to be able to put my address and phone number on my personal page

Unknown said...

AH HA! FB pages! I have trouble figuring out when I'm me and when I'm the page.
LOL that makes no sense!